Distribution Series 3 Front Access
Distribution Series 3 Front Access
The ICT Distribution Series 3 front access is dual bus DC Distribution Panels designed for 12, 24, and 48V DC applications. Each bus allows you to connect up to 4 output positions and you have option to use hydraulic/magnetic breakers of up to 30A rating. Built-in security-protected Ethernet communications port allows you to monitor the devices from a remote site using an industry standard web browser, saving your operational cost. DC outputs can be turned off and on remotely using ethernet.
Product Features
- Available for +12, 24, +/- 48V DC voltage.
- Space saving design.
- 240A peak system current.
- 120A peak bus current.
- Up to 30A breaker support
- Front access.
- Remote monitoring over ethernet.
- Designed and manufactured in North America.
- 2 years warranty.